The Brain-Boosting Properties of Lion’s Mane Mushroom & Making a Medicinal Mushroom Double Extract
Lion’s Mane Mushroom is a powerful nootropic, has a special talent for helping heal damaged nerves, supports mood and helps alleviate depression, and possesses the famous beta-glucan polysaccharides that make medicinal mushrooms such potent immunomodulators.
Herbs to Bring in the Light: Addressing Depression & Seasonal Affect Disorder with Herbs
Earlier this week marked the passing of the holiday of Imbolc/Imbolg/Candelmas, a time when we celebrate the mid-point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, meaning we’re officially half-way to spring! While it will still be a while before the Daffodils and Snow Drops start blooming for us up here in the northeast, the slow returning of the light is palpable.